Roxette hair

Sometimes people are stuck in a state of suspended fashion animation. Spikey Roxette hair is still big in Dallas having survived since the late 1980’s. I have at least ten confirmed sightings including a jogger this morning on my way to work. Most of the women I’ve seen sporting spikey do’s have been in their mid to late forties, which seems about right. They found a style that worked for them and have been wearing it for twenty years. If you’re going to be anachronistic go out on a limb; wear a peruke or tight flapper curls. I always thought it would be neat to kick it way old school: 17th century breeches, powdered wig, and tri-corner hat. There has to be a market for this. Why are we stuck in the same old pants and shirt paradigm?


  1. It just wouldn’t be Dallas without the big hair.

  2. Pleasing you should think of soemnhitg like that