Thought crime

In further hypocrisy the Bush administration has condemned a political cartoon linking the Bush budget to a terrorist act. The cartoon showed a plane that read “Bush budget” crashing into two towers which read “Social Security”. Let’s get this straight, you can equate drug use to terrorism, dissent to terrorism, pacifism to terrorism, but you can’t criticize the Bush budget as a destructive act? Whatever happened to freedom of the press? or freedom of speech for that matter? The Bush administration blows $3.5 million on propaganda during the super bowl, but the hammer drops on a guy who speaks his mind.

That reminds me, if you’re interested in receiving a letter never sent sticker send me an email. They are slightly smaller than a bumper-sticker and say “Thought Crime” in white on black vinyl. In the corner, very small, is our url. One of these days I’ll post a tiny scan of one.

One comment

  1. Me want. Pretzel shirt, too. Paypal?