Today in Babylon

  1. Markets threatened by ‘new world disorder’: A study by Lehman Brothers’ chief economist John Llewellyn says that regardless of who backs any action there is a one in 10 chance of an ‘open-ended conflagration’ which would lead to a Viet nam war-sized bill for the US, ‘equivalent to 12 per cent of contemporary GDP’, or $1.2 trillion.
  2. Bush Sr warning over unilateral action: Mr Bush Jr, who is said never to forget even relatively minor slights, has alarmed analysts with the way in which he has allowed senior Administration figures such as Donald Rumsfeld, the Defence Secretary, aggressively to criticise France and Germany.
  3. Why was Richard Perle meeting with Adnan Khashoggi?
  4. Frist yanks poll from web site after blaming anti-war results on “hackers”
  5. Supreme Court to hear police questioning case revising landmark Miranda decision
  6. Danger of super germs is immediate, doctors say
  7. China Moves Away From Communist System
  8. Kids’ viewing of TV violence linked to aggression as adults

1 comment

  1. Just came out that our #1 piece of evidence that Iraq was trying to get nukes was made up. (again.)