Today was a good day

Today was one of those days that just went alllllright. Work was nice and slow but just busy enough to keep my mind buzzing. I found my coverOlympus Digital Recorder that I had thought I had lost forever. I use it to make notes to myself. Like, “remember to feed the cat” because my memory is very badly organized. Lists and notes and recordings are my friend. Sometimes I wonder if I’m the type who will get Alzheimer’s disease, although I think my problem is more one of inattentiveness and disorganization rather than forgetfulness. Still, it does make me wonder. The recorder was in my backpack, which I swear I looked through at least ten times. How in the heck does that happen? I feel like I went through it thoroughly yet when I was digging in it today at work looking for my leatherman to open a bottle, there it was. It is a small thing but not that small! I was glad to find it after two weeks. At least once or twice a day, I thought about how stupid I was for losing it, especially since it was a Christmas present from Jody.

Today I also felt better about work and I had a few good interchanges with people which pumped me up. I get energized by talking to other people. If I go for a while without talking to my coworkers I start thinking they don’t like me or something. I do care a little too much about what other people think. It reminds me of a quotation by Goethe, “A vain man can never be utterly ruthless: he wants to win applause and therefore he accommodates himself to others.”

I also asked for the day off tomorrow since I’d like to actually work on a few pressing things. I feel like I’m busy all the time, but I really can’t tell you what. All I know is I get home around 6:45-7pm normally and then it seems to go by like nothing until it’s time to go to bed. The weeks and months just pour by.

One comment

  1. Hey,
    This isn’t the cool little guy that Jody bought for you not too long ago is it? No matter, I’m glad you found it.. God only knows how you start to ramble about something and try to recall it later to no avail…