Two weeks notice

This morning at work, I gave my two weeks notice. It was very difficult for me since I will really miss working with everyone here. When you’re at work you spend eight hours a day, five days a week with the people around you. Work takes up half of your waking life. After more than a year, the people I work have become my second family, as well as the people I spend most of my time with.

I have never felt more at home with my coworkers, and this has to be due to the fact that we’re all around the same age range and interested in video games. It’s not just video games, at other workplaces you might not find as many people who are plugged into the Internet, and its related subculture. This was certainly true when I worked at Fedex where I felt like an alien. In the video game industry, you can safely make certain assumptions about most people around you: they like computers, they like the Internet, and they like games.

I definitely appreciate the atmosphere of irreverence and humor. We have the most intelligent yet completely insane conversations, and there are few sacred cows, which can be a big problem when you work with people who take life more seriously.

I will miss them a lot.


  1. Hang in there man.. :)

  2. Thanks, Mike. How you doing?

  3. wow, i just gave notice too! good luck on creating your new experiences. have fun – it’s the msot subversive act of all.

  4. Good for you! And good luck on your independent business venture!

  5. Thanks, all you beautiful people.