What’s the haps on the craps?

I had a pretty eventful week, for me anyway. Wednesday night my mom came up to Dallas for business and I went up to Garland after work and had a spaghetti dinner with her and my cousin at my cousin’s apartment. Since I hadn’t seen my mom since Thanksgiving she brought up a few Christmas gifts. That was a nice surprise. Maybe we should take all the Christmas presents we get and spread them out over the year?

Thursday morning I woke up after thirty minutes of playing tag with the snooze button. When I got up I found that some of the changes John had made to the listserv had prevented mail traffic to the list. This was a stressful thing early in the morning, and I had to put that fire out before heading into work.

With Jody out of town in Austin, I had to find something to do thursday night. Luckily, I had made plans with James and Melissa to go out, and we went to this pub called The Drunken Monk over by SMU, which James refers to as Southern Millionaires University. It must be noted that James is technically an SMU student since he is in the video game design program there in Plano. The pub was packed and we had a hard time getting a table, although as I said at the time, thursday is the new friday, tuesday is the new monday. It’s amazing how much of the work I do during the week is squeezed into tuesday and wednesday, which seem to be my most productive days. I can’t be the only one.

James and Melissa are a nice couple as well as great people on their own. I’m glad they’re marrying each other and asked a lot about the whole deal since I don’t know a lot of other people who are getting married. It’s a good feeling to see two people with love for one another. We talked and hung out and drank a few beers. I’m excited about being a groomsman, although I’m glad it’s still a few months away since such ceremony makes me immediately nervous due to the obvious gravity. I’m probably overthinking it.

One comment

  1. Ааанука ребятки голоусем!!!

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