Who’s the bad guy now?

I love the smell of hypocrisy in the morning.

  • U.S. Conducted Open-Air Biological, Chemical Weapons Tests in State
  • US tested chemicals on its forces: This isn’t even to mention the radiation Americans were subjected to during WWII. Sixteen newly declassified reports describe how chemical and biological exercises used deadly substances such as VX and sarin to test the vulnerability of forces.
  • 1 comment

    1. This is why whenever I turn on the radio and someone’s yammering about how “he” has used WMD against “his” own people and has perpetuated all manner of bad things through “his” policy, and is dangerously in possession of nuclear weapons, I always (seriously!) have to wait for a second to make sure they’re not talking about our fearless leader. Talk about two halves of the same coin…