Yeah, that’s me

Today was pretty busy and I’m starting to put together a little routine. It goes like this:

  1. Wake up around eight in the A.M.
  2. Fold up bed
  3. Check email
  4. Take a shower and shave
  5. Make iced tea
  6. Work (stare at Outlook and try to remember everything that needs to be done)
  7. Run by the post office

Later in the day, I met with a couple clients including Joyce’s church where I’m doing some pro bono work. I got three solid leads too, so it turned out to be a good day for business. When I got back home I ran by the apartment office to drop off some paperwork and noticed they were having a little bbq thing for the residents, so I got to scam some free food. I’m very curious to see how my dining out expenses will compare for this month versus last month. I’ve been trying very hard to eat all my meals at home even if it means doing a lot of cooking and washing dishes.


  1. Thanks again for fixing up my page! The new part looks great!

  2. Picturing…Chris…cooking…brain…exploding…

  3. Toaster waffles, egg-based (eggs are cheap) breakfast tacos, sandwiches, di giorno pizzas, cereal. All easy stuff.