A Phreaking Pheasant

On my way to Ninfa’s to meet Sabby for lunch a large bird appeared in the road before me. At first I thought it was a roadrunner, but then as I approached it turned out to be a pheasant. Yes, a pheasant crossing the access road of 183 continuing on to walk the barren gravel wasteland under the eight lanes of 183. As I made the turnaround, I stopped to watch him on the other side where he almost got hit by one of those trucks with the wood chipper on the back. I don’t know if he made it across. Where did he come from? I don’t know, but I don’t think wild pheasants live in the Austin city limits, not to mention in the business parks infesting central austin. How do I know it was a “he”? Simple. Female pheasants like females of most bird species are brownish and inconspicuous. It reminded me of the time a rooster decided to roost in our yard.

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