Dreams of hand guns

I had trouble sleeping last night because I had to give another speech this morning at the club meeting. It didn’t help that my left ear has been plugged by some strange phenomenom I attribute to swimming at Barton Springs Pool. Maybe the ghost of that dead Chinese student hexed a curse on me that day. Whatever the reason, I am now in possession of what I like to call “muffle stereo”. I hear fine out of my right ear, but I only hear internal sounds with my left ear, so when I try to talk I hear myself talking really loud inside my head while at the same time I hear the sound of my voice outside. As a result, everything is muffled and it’s hard to gauge my own volume. I’m either too quiet or too loud and I barely hear what anyone else is saying. I am George Bailey from “It’s a Wonderful Life“. Hee haw.

But really, I was worried about waking up late and missing the meeting. I can’t blame it all on the trick ear. I kept waking up in a cold sweat out of the middle of some crazy war or espionage dream, a mental tableau I attribute to a combination of reading Robert Ludlum thrillers (Bourne Identity and The Scarlatti Inheritance) and playing Battlefield 2. Once awake, I’d almost instantly start to obsess over how well I prepared for my speech then I’d fall right back to sleep. I specifically remember a dream where I was trudging through some Vietnam-like swamp with a sidearm. Maybe that was part of the cold sweat thing.

I finally got out of bed at five in the morning and went down to set up for the meeting since that is part of my responsibilities now. When I got there at six our oldest member, Hollis, was nearly done setting everything up, which irritated me in my fragile cocoon of sleep grumpiness.

But mostly I was envious of his high spirits. Hollis is a miracle of age and energy, like the tightly wound spring of an antique pocket watch. Well past eighty years old, he has more life than a busload of all the people I know in their twenties combined. When I asked him why in the hell he was there so early, he said his wife was out of town so he just popped up out of bed around 3:30, fixed himself some breakfast, and headed out the door.

When J.D. showed up, Hollis told us about the traveling medicine shows and tent revivals that would come through town when he was a kid out in Burnet, Texas. At these medicine shows they would peddle their wares (snake oils and cure-alls) while providing sought after entertainment. There would be a stage where comedians, musical acts, and acrobats would perform. After about a week the whole affair would pack up and move on to the next town. He told several more interesting tales, but the most memorable thing he said was that looking back things were much rougher and more uncomfortable in the first half of the last century, and while he did not long for the “good ole days” he sometimes wished he could take the modern conveniences back to what was, a simpler time.


  1. You should probably go to the doctor and get some ear goop. Ear infections are not fun!

    Hope your speech went well.

  2. Hey goofy, get that taken care of. You could have permanent hearing loss!!! WHAT??? DID YOU HEAR THAT? HEARING LOSS!!!! You can put some alcohol in to dry up the moisture but you really need to have that looked at. In the future, always put some alcohol in your ears after swimming. I’m really proud you got out of bed that early. You’re growing up!!! I’m so proud.


  3. hollis baker

    Dear Mom,
    I am so pleased to have had the pleasure of knowing your son, Chris. He has so much to offer this world and I have no dought he will climb to the top. Isn’t it neat how much smarter these kids are than we were some year ago?
