I don’t get Twitter

Twitter is this website where anyone can post what they’re doing right now. You can post to Twitter from your cell phone, computer, email, Wii, etc. It’s like a group MySpace page or something, which I don’t get either. The usual sorts are drinking the kool-aid and posting every time they get a coffee or do something at SXSW. Does anyone really want to know everything I think or do in the course of my daily life? Do you enjoy knowing what all your friends are doing? Maybe I’m the weird one.

It seems like Twitter is MySpace/Facebook/Bebo for the more sociable, blogging nerds. It’s new and it’s social. Those seem to be the important qualities.

One of the problems I have with the web is that novelty-seekers (or, as they proclaim themselves, “early adopters”) tend to talk a lot and often and thus seem to wield a strange influence by creating excitement about new, cool things. Often through sheer volume of activity, the novelty locusts latch onto something good and worthwhile. But, in the case of Twitter, I don’t think so.

In a way, it reminded me of the “cat in ur _____” meme, except twitter will not make you laugh. So, I did this image of cats using twitter, which makes just as much sense as people using it.

twitter cats

See also:

  1. Twitter is for Twits
  2. Some Bail on Blogs in Favor of Twitter
  3. Today I Unsubscribed from over 100 Blogs, and Joined Twitter





    I have a new email address. We now have a faster internet stuff. My address is: [email protected]
    And thanks for all the kind words sent my way. You are to kind.

  3. Got your site and so will send you some stuff.

    Oscar Wilde noticed that, “a cigarette is the exqiusitist of exquisite pleasures; it is easily extinguished and leaves one unsatisfied.”

  4. Oscar Wilde noticed that, “A cigarette is the exquisitist of exquisite pleasures; it is easily extinguished and leaves one unsatisfied.”