Question of the day

If there was a book that disclosed all the existential secrets of the universe, would you read it? Would you read it if you knew that the information enclosed within could potentially drive you insane? Which is stronger, your desire for self-preservation or wanting… to know.


  1. No (I’m probably dangerously close to insanity as it is), but I would probably be tempted to look in the index for just a few answers.

  2. I would read it without hesitation. No matter what information the book revealed, it couldn’t make life any worse. Even if we found out something that we didn’t want to know, we (or maybe just I) could easily ignore it and go on with life just like we do everyday when we ignore a bum on the street.
    And what do you mean by “drive you insane?” If the information is too complex then most people just get confused and bored. And if the information is understandable, again, people are really good at ignoring the unpleasant.
    I guess what I’m asking is, what scenario are you envisioning where this book holds information that somebody would not want to know and where it has insanity inducing properties?

    The only book I’m scared of is The Big Book of British Smiles.

  3. I guess my question really is: are there certain things better left unknown?

    For example, if you could trust what was written in the book, what if it said something like: “There is a supreme being in control of the universe and everything you know of reality is a projected illusion eminating from this supreme being. Everything and everyone you know is an illusion and in reality you are completely alone floating in an infinite nothingness for eternity. When you ‘die’ it is merely the end of the illusion and you will then awaken in the total darkness, quiet, and solitude of an everlasting cold nothingness of which you will have full consciousness and no means of escape.”

  4. Yea that would suck if that were the case, but I would rather know. And it beats the idea referenced in other books like burning in hell forever. The idea of being completely alone doesn’t sound fun. And I’m sure at first I would reject and ignore all forms of social contact considering that they wouldn’t be real. But that would get boring fast. More likely than not, most people in that situation would delude themselves or just accept simulated social contact as a better alternative than none. It’s not as much about what you know but about what you do with the information. It’s similar to religion. Since there isn’t just one, it’s safe to assume that at some point along the way people started picking and choosing what particular aspects of religion they wanted to believe. And most of those teachings, much like this book we’re talking about, were stated as truth. Not to say I desire that scenario to be true, but I think I might kind of prefer that version of life after death instead of just becoming worm food.

  5. How would you occupy yourself in the middle of nothing?

  6. With memories, I suppose.

    Which would mean it is important to live as fully (and make as many interesting memories) as possible–not too bad an idea in any case.

  7. What good are memories when nothing they represent was real nor do any of the things they represent exist any longer?

  8. If they made you happy it’s like remembering a dream. I cherish the memory of certain dreams I’ve had, although they weren’t “real.”

    And, surely, even remembered dreams of happiness would be preferable to crying to nobody for eternity about your crappy fate.

    Look at the bright side: Perhaps death would create a different mindset which would prepare you for the new environment.

    And anyway, life is really too short for you to totally mindfuck yourself worrying about what happens when you die. You’ll find out soon enough.

  9. I’m talking about the book !

  10. I think Nyssa23 answered much how I would have. Don’t misunderstand me, I’m not saying I would love if that’s what would happen when I die. I’m just saying I would probably prefer that over being worm food. If I truly did have full consciousness after I died then I could simply just think about things… remember all the good times I had hanging out with fake friends. Or better yet, I could spend my time hating this supreme being who made life suck so bad. Maybe this is just my survival instinct speaking for me, but I would be more scared of never being consciousness again.

  11. actually, there is more than one book that discloses the REAL secrets of the universe, and it was published in 1951..the title of this world-renowned book is,”Autobiography of a Yogi”, written by Yogananda, and avaialable at most big book stores, and is about $12.00…Joel Goldsmith also wrote many books as a world renowned mystic, and healer, and again his books are mostly under $20.00….There are several more, but these are the most direct and understandable books that are widely available….PEACE..and remember, the only true measure of your soul, which is what you are, is to resist not evil, put down the sword, and to see the world as your own brothers amd sisters…