100 jets join attack on Iraq

US stepping up the corporate takeover of Iraq. Looks like Bush wants to hit Iraq before anyone can say no. He’ll probably get a rubber stamp from our spineless Congress once everything starts.Telegraph:

    The raid seemed designed to destroy air defences to allow easy access for special forces helicopters to fly into Iraq via Jordan or Saudi Arabia to hunt down Scud missiles before a possible war within the next few months.


  • Army Moved Weapons to Kuwait Base Near Border With Iraq
  • Britain must be ready to ‘pay the blood price’
  • Bush sets date to make case against Iraq at UN General Assembly meet Justifying the unjustifiable.

    1. Bush likes oil, oh yes he does!
      Probably gonna setup a bullshit government like Afghanistan.

    2. It has become very interesting to me to note the different languages used by the US and UK news papers. This morning I read two seperate accounts of thursdays US lead attacks on iraq, and while the UK paper described the attack of a Iraqi “air base”, the US version refered to it as an Iraqi “war base.” It is also interesting that the US papers mention the NO FLY zones as an attept to justify their bombing, but giving no account to the fact that although the NO FLY zones exist over Iraq, the are actually imposed by the United Nations as a way of preventing conflicts.

    3. I think you’re right. Language is very important. It’s like being PC, you have to use the proper jargon. That’s why the Bushies wanted everyone to call suicide bombers homicide-bombers.

    4. PC
      you are the poster child for PC


      And all the CHRISSIES
      want you to think they “earned” their check instead of “stole” it
      But duhhhhhh….it’s just words.


      minh? is that you Ho?


      Quoth the UN

      Stop or……..I’ll yell stop again.
      Imposed by the UN?

      Khadafi sets at the head of the human rights committee
      Does anybody think that’s
      Anything but stupid and shitty

      No really….

      9:29 pm