
It used to be just an idea popular among couch potatoes, college students, pot smokers, and other motivationally challenged sugar-addicts: a restaurant that serves only cereal. But now, that idea is a reality….a Cereality. Here’s the gist:

  1. The employees wear pajamas (the last thing I want to see is a franchise employee wearing pajamas unless they’re cute high school girls like the kind that always work at hot dog on a stick)
  2. You get your choice of two name brand cereals even hot cereals.
  3. A topping (nuts and milkballs, etc. wtf?)
  4. As much milk, soy milk as you want
  5. Prepared in a chinese-food-style container

ne for my cereal restaurant. It would have made zero money, but it would have been way cooler:

  1. Pick whatever cereal you want from an endless shelf of cereal that stretches to the ceiling
  2. They pour it into a vintage white ceramic bowl (half-quart)
  3. You select your desired milk (1% in my case) from a row of giant glass jugs filled with moo juice
  4. Then you get a nice big silver spoon to eat it with

My cereal restaurant would be more like a sit-down type place with table cloths rather than a fast food restaurant. I would also have a giant room with overstuffed chairs and televisions where customers could sit and watch cartoons or something while they shovel cereal in their mouths.


  1. That is messed up. Soon there will be restaurants that will warm up microwave dinners for you.

  2. Is cereality a dumb idea or just a stupid one. Maybe I’m way off, but I already feel sorry for the people who are investing in this nonsense.
    It reminds me of the “Tape Store” on ancient Saturday Night Live shows.