What’s with BoingBoing?

I’m starting to wonder if some of the folks at BoingBoing.net haven’t made some sort of deal with Nick Denton (the notorious blog advertising minimogul) and Gawker media. All I ever see on BB lately is fleshbot, fleshbot, fleshbot (not safe for work) or gizmodo crossposting. Is Wired News journalist and third member of Roxette, Xeni Jardin, working for them now? Does anyone know?

  1. Exhibit A: Best actual adult film title ever
  2. Exhibit B: What’s in Your Gadget Bag Xeni?

I actually like Gizmodo and Fleshbot a lot. I think they have a good format going for disciplined blog coverage without a lot of navel-gazing (like you’d find here, faithful readers). I check Gizmodo and BoingBoing several times a day. On a related note: Nick Denton et al are working some deal with Nike, since, you know, Nike likes to be on the cutting edge of cool. It’s called… . Maybe inner city kids aren’t buying enough Air Jordans anymore and they want to start reaching out to bloggeurs. I’d hate to think that all those Indonesian sweatshops are sitting idle.


  1. Roxette sucks, I wouldn’t be caught dead in that band.

  2. Okay, now that’s funny. Roxette actually has a big following worldwide especially in their home country.

  3. Seriously though — the inter-linkage isn’t planned, just coincidence. It’s not the result of a deal between BB and Gawker — there is no such deal. I just happen to share interests with some of the editors who are part of Mr. Denton’s blog-stable.

  4. It was the Wired article on Denton, and then the Corey Gizmodo gadget bag thing I noticed first, then the Fleshbot / Gawker / Gizmodo / BoingBoing cross-pollination, but thanks for clearing it up. Seriously, I posted this like an hour ago, does GawMed check technorati that often?

  5. No, we just have legions of internet spies who send us little SMSes whenever someone defames us by insinuating that we’d perform in a bad Europop band.