Christmas Chores

My brother came over yesterday and we strung up the Christmas lights around the house. I bought these plastic clips from Wal-Mart to hang the lights with. They worked but just barely. A strong wind could blow them down I suspect.

Of course, my little brother is a physical genius and did not even need the ladder to get onto the roof. He just did a little Jackie Chan maneuver and then he was up there like a cat. In fact, when I was finishing up this evening Sarah the real cat showed me how it was done and jumped on the roof herself. I have no idea why she wanted to get up there unless it was just to show me how easy it was for her. Apparently, no one else seems to find it difficult to just get up on the roof.

I strung some of those icicle lights around the front of the place and used my lights from last year to wrap one of the trees in the front yard. Scott climbed up in the live oak to string the lights but we didn’t realize that part of the strand was out until we finished and plugged it in. As a result, the tree looks rather crappy, but I’m not itching to undo all that wrapping just yet.

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