Cops with nothing better to do

I always enjoy reading about banned license plates. It’s amazing how most of the complaints come from cops with nothing better to do than plop their butt down and write a letter to the DMV. Have we turned into a tattle-tale society? I mean, how can you have a serious problem with a license plate that reads: “OUTRUNM”? Not only is it not obvious that the message is directed to anyone in particular, but it’s even pretty damn funny. Another one that a Wisconsin Sgt. took offense to was ‘HODAWG’. He alleges it has something to with prostitutes and gang-bangers. It reminds me when I was a kid and I would joke around with my cousins and call each other ‘homes’ as in homeboy. After a while my uncle took me aside and very ernestly explained that since ‘homes’ was short for homosexual that he didn’t think I should be saying it. I’ve laughed about that several times. Of course, this is coming from the same guy who wouldn’t let his kids watch the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles because the show involved the ‘magic’ which is satanic.

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