Free World of Warcraft

Try World of Warcraft free for ten days It’s been difficult to keep myself from reopening my account. I just keep thinking about all the fun I used to have with my friends chasing down level thirty newbs with our mounts to pwn them. When I quit, my warlock alter-ego, Sivori, was level 43. One of my favorite tactics was to have my succubus run up and seduce the opponent with a kiss so they would be mesmerized. Then I’d dump some high damage spells on them and fear them a couple times so that they ran off uncontrollably. Ah, memories. By now all the people I played with have advanced to 60 if they’re still playing, that is. It’s crack though. I must stay away.

iWorkWithFools Rant about stupid coworkers. “She could get an Academy Award for her performance as a tired yet plucky single mom, struggling against all odds to be the best darn homemaker and mother she can. But listen closely to the personal calls; the content revolves around her soliciting free childcare for the night/weekend so she can devote attention to the pursuit of happiness (hers) and the boyfriend du jour.”

Whimsical mouse taxidermy. Yeah. I like the mouse version of the martyrdom of Saint Sebastien.

One comment

  1. That blurb about the plucky single mom seems pretty sexist to me. Would someone really say the same thing about a single dad who wanted to hang out with his girlfriend? Is the fact that it’s a boyfriend “du jour” instead of a committed long-term person really important when it comes to making a value judgement about this person? Who is this person who listens in on other people’s personal calls? Etc.