Hotlink protection

I changed a little something in my server settings so that now those Dutch people who keep hotlinking my images for their forum avatars will get a gay porn image instead. I made sure to heavily pixelate the naughty bits, but you can still tell what’s going on. I added a message as well. “HOTLINKING SUCKS STOP STEALING MY BANDWIDTH”.

Basically, if anyone tries to link to my images remotely (hotlink) so that it is using my bandwidth to decorate their page they will be redirected to this other image. If anyone notices anything weird caused by this please let me know. It should only disallow direct linking to my images in IMG tags from domains other than this one. People can still save anything I use here, but if they want to use it on their website they should save a copy to their server.


  1. Sorry man!

    But you scared the hell out of the people of the dutch forum (accept for the gays), hehe…

    Hope you arent to mad,

    Greetz Jelle

  2. Sorry man!

    But you scared the hell out of the people of the dutch forum (accept for the gays), hehe…

    Hope you arent to mad,

    Greetz Jelle

  3. No, I’m not mad. Thanks for apologizing.