The SBC box was tagged AGAIN! Luckily, it takes me about 30 seconds to paint over any graffitti. I noticed it when I left for work this morning and promptly turned around to go grab the spray paint (Almond matte).
The SBC box was tagged AGAIN! Luckily, it takes me about 30 seconds to paint over any graffitti. I noticed it when I left for work this morning and promptly turned around to go grab the spray paint (Almond matte).
Just wondering–why does the graffiti bug you so much? I kinda like it, as long as the content isn’t somehow offensive, and it stays sorta in moderation.
For one thing, it’s in my front yard. So, it’s not like this is some abandoned building or ditch. So, some might say, ‘So, what? It’s not a big deal.’
Personally speaking, I feel like it is disrespectful and inconsiderate for other people to take it into their heads to change the appearance of someone else’s environment. So, even if it was a graffitti worthy of Picasso or Rembrandt I still think it presumptuous and rude. I know it is disrespectful of my landlord and my neighbors.
ALSO, if I paint over something one, two, three times that might be a hint to the artist in question that their work is unwelcome.
To me, spraypainting over graffitti is equivalent to picking up trash dumped in front of my house except that in this case someone is doing it purposefully. People have to work together to maintain their surroundings.
I would not tolerate graffitti on my car or my front door, why would I tolerate it in front of my house?
While others may not mind graffitti, as long as the content is offensive, I find it offensive to furtively paint over something repeatedly which does not belong to you. To insist on repeating an activity, when you know your efforts are undesired by the residents, is the height of inconsideration.