Letter Never Sent: No. 4

In preparation for getting myself revved up to do Letter Never Sent number four…the proposed next issue of the zine for which this website is named…I’ve scanned in a copy of my high school zine, The Incredible Flaming Mechanism number 4 from way back in September 1994. That will be nearly ten years old. Suffice to say, I’m no spring chicken anymore. Time flies doesn’t it? On the one hand, in ten years I feel like I’ve been through a lot, but it really doesn’t seem that long ago. Anyway, enough…check it out here if you’d like to take a peek. At the moment, I’m listening to music, very sleepy, and my vision is getting blurry and hazy. That means it’s time for me to push the laundry to the far side and climb in bed next to it.

One comment

  1. You should scan the mean comic about me. What issue is that in?

    My favorite in this one is Night of the Werepigeon.

    If you are taking requests, I would also like to see that one where the guy takes revenge on the video store customer.