Manipulation of American emotions

Our fearless leader, the mandate of heaven, George Bush II has decreed September 11th to be henceforth known as Patriot Day. I doubt our business-friendly corporate whore will make sure we have the day off to celebrate Patriot Day. This is nothing but crass emotionalism and tackiness. “Happy Patriot Day, my fellow American! United we stand! Let’s roll, under God!” Forgive me if I’m cynical, but this is the kind of crap they used to do in the Soviet Union.

From CNN:

    We will not forget the events of that terrible morning nor will we forget how Americans responded in New York City, at the Pentagon, and in the skies over Pennsylvania — with heroism and selflessness; with compassion and courage; and with prayer and hope,” Bush wrote in the proclamation.

    “Inspired by the heroic sacrifices of our firefighters, rescue and law enforcement personnel, military service members, and other citizens, our nation found unity, focus, and strength.”

    “We found healing in the national outpouring of compassion for those lost, as tens of millions of Americans participated in moments of silence, candlelight vigils, and religious services,” the president said. “From the tragedy of September 11 emerged a stronger nation, renewed by a spirit of national pride and a true love of country.”

He should call it Death of the Freedom Day, or America Went to Hell Day.


  1. Don’t forget Holy Fucking Shit Day. dot com.

  2. Sept. 11 should be called Propaganda Day, for Bush is bullshiting the entire Sept.11 event.