Migrating to WordPress

I’ve been busy since this afternoon working to move my site from Mike’s place over to my new space. My gratitude to Mike for hosting me and inspiring me to strike out on my own. He’s really a great guy and I miss him now that he’s out in SFO with the rest of those EA bums.

WordPress is pretty amazing. I’m glad Movable Type gave me the necessary incentive to try something new by changing their license. WordPress is a free, open-source application. You can’t beat that. I’ve also moved from a table-based layout to CSS (cascading style sheets). Yay!

Anyway, if you notice anything weird that’s not working, or any dead links, or anything you don’t like, or anything you miss, please let me know. That’s a good way to let me know what I need to change. By the way, some things are not going to work properly until the dns changes have propagated. This should take roughly 24 hours.

Okay, for extra credit can you name the woman in the new banner? It’s not that hard. If you look at the eyes I think you’ll get it! I am sorry to see Claudette Colbert and Clark Gable go, but they were there for several years. It is time for someone new.


  1. Looks good. :)
    Wordpress is awesome.

  2. Oh and I like the new banner but I have no clue who that girl is. Sorry.

  3. Yeah, it is working really well so far. No rebuilding posts either which is awesome.

  4. Love the new look.

    Is it Norma Shearer?

  5. No, close! I’ll send anyone 4$ if they get it.