More Flash stuff

Here’s a little movie I made for our office holiday party where we will be debuting our new company website, which I am still working on. I am aware of the typo at the end of the movie. Here is the basic animation technique I used explained in list form:

  1. Create blue-white gradient sky background using rectangle with gradient fill. This background is moved down at the end of the animation to darken the “sky” so the white text stands out better.
  2. Create amorphous snow hill shape that can be rotated and distorted as the snowman goes skiing down the hill.
  3. Create movie symbol using snowman made in Flash with slightly moving red cap and stick arms.
  4. Move snowman across scene enlarging so as to create the appearance of moving closer to the “camera”.
  5. Add snowflakes to Flash library using images from Google image search, which I edited in Photoshop to reduce to two color GIF’s (white and transparent).
  6. Create several layers of animating snowflakes. Move snowflake’s center of rotation, so when you animate them they will rotate in large circles rather than just spinning about their own center.
  7. Fade in text. Add blur timeline effect for “From ISDG”.
  8. Add more snowflakes drifting in and fading out.
  9. Set movie to pause for two seconds before looping back to beginning of snowflake animation.

One comment

  1. Hey Chris, I liked what I saw. However I could not get the “movie”
    to play. Did I miss the go button? Look forward to seeing you