Passing thoughts of the mundane variety

  • I appreciate the concise nature of lists
  • Went home for lunch and ended up watching The Tyra Banks Show. It’s good as far as these things go, but why? The show works because Tyra Banks is likable and personable. She is genuine, which is strange currency for a model. During the show this guy got down on one knee and proposed to his staffer girlfriend after the revealing of her new makeover look. My eyes started welling up in response. This was followed by an immediate feeling of foolishness, and, to a lesser degree, a welcome sense that I have not grown too hard-hearted. Compared to Tyra’s cheerful ease, Oprah seems to be going through the motions.
  • Here’s a strategy I want to employ based on my lunch experience: when I go out for dinner I should immediately save one half of my food to take home. This will have two benefits. One, I will have something for lunch without spending extra money, and two, I will not eat more than I need. What do you think?
  • Allnetic Working Timer is the best program I’ve seen to keep track of how much time you spend on specific projects or tasks. When you’re tracking a project and go idle at the computer it even asks if you want to count the time since you went idle. If you freelance or you just need to track time for tasks or projects you need to get this. Right now I’m keeping track under the task “slacking off”. Since I track all the time I spend I can get some idea of how productive I am during the work day, which is not so good today.
  • Thursday is the new Friday.

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