See you at camp x-ray

Okay, admittedly I am the paranoid type, but my site has been very busy lately with .mil and .gov hits.

13 Feb, Thu, 09:47:07 MSIE 6 Windows XP
from Fullbleed


13 Feb, Thu, 10:05:22 WCS3.NORFOLK.NIPR.MIL Netscape 3 Other
13 Feb, Thu, 10:05:23 WCS1.NORFOLK.NIPR.MIL MSIE 6 Windows 2000

from a google search on AviaConversia.

Then later in the day, the Treasury Department came back.

13 Feb, Thu, 13:41:04 MSIE 6 Windows XP

One comment

  1. whew, that’s synchronicity to you. i’ve been writing “see you at x-ray” all over the place too.

    i don’t know how to check my web stats, i’m just a squatter on my server, but if i did i might not anyway. if they’re comin’ ta get me, then they’re comin’ ta get me. maybe some time in solitary without legal representation will make me a better writer.