
Soon I will be a morning person. My goal is to start getting up at 5:30 in the morning every morning, including Saturday and Sunday. I did so for the last two days. It got a lot easier when I moved my alarm clock about ten feet from bed, so I would have to actually walk over and turn it around to shut it off. Last night, I went to bed about 10:30pm and when I got up I still felt sleepy. The first thing I did when I woke up was to eat a bowl of shredded wheat. Then I grabbed an apple out of the icebox and went for a walk. After I walked for an hour I came home and showered and dressed. Around 8am I succumbed to sleepiness and sank into an hour long torpor while fully dressed. I guess that means I need to go to bed earlier. Tonight, I will try to go to bed around 9:30pm to see if that helps. I’m sure the problem is that I had a sleep deficit from the previous day.

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