Short Jots

  • The holidays could have been better and it could have been worse, but I’m glad to have it behind me. It was nice to visit with some of the family, and it’s interesting to see what changes from year to year. The food was great and I got to visit with both parents. On a scale of 1 to 5, the whole experience rates a 2.
  • We got to finally meet Sab’s friend Justin last Wednesday. He came in from San Luis Obispo to visit. We went to Hyde Park Bar & Grill for dinner, which Sab seems to love for some reason. Justin was very cute and funny, and everyone seemed to have a lot of fun. He’s the kind of person who needs to move to Austin because he’s easy to talk to.
  • I spent about 20 hours this weekend just playing World of Warcraft by Blizzard Entertainment where some of my friends work. It’s super-addictive. Here are just a few things I got to do in game that were really cool:
    1. Tamed a mountain lion and named it “Meow”. She fought by my side until level 15 when I ditched her for a Hyena I named “Giggler”. Apparently, I’m damn creative with pet names. (screenshot)
    2. I fished for a long time off the docks and banks and pulled up some clams with pearls inside as well as all sorts of fish.
    3. Helped get rid of Alliance players (Dwarves, Night Elves, etc.) who invaded our area. PvP is fun! It’s also something EQ2 lacks.


  1. Hey buddy! What WoW server do you play on? Everyone and their dog from EA are playing on HyJal.. We’ve got a good little guild of the willing going as well..
    Don’t be a stranger!


  2. Yeah, what server?

    I have a friend who named her owl “Meeow”. Small pet world.

  3. I play on Thunderlord, where do you play?

  4. Blackhand (PvE)

    Although I hear the PvP hasn’t really been implemented that well. True?