Stick it to them

Go to shows. Go to libraries. Lend and borrow books, download them, buy them second hand. Get your clothes second hand, make them, or borrow those too. Buy second hand CD’s, borrow them from friends and burn them, make mix CD’s and tapes because it’s fun and people like to get them. Download music. Make your own music. Sing to yourself. Make your own greeting cards, they’re better that way. Eat at home sometimes because it’s cheaper. Drink more water. Make iced tea and koolaid. Reuse things. Rent a movie and get a group together to watch it. Lend and borrow your movies instead of amassing your own private collections. Stop wasting your money for crap you’ll just have to move or discard later. Share everything you can. Stop paying fifty dollars for shitty video games. Share those too. There are better things to do with your money. It’s not your job to pay for someone else’s rockstar lifestyle.


  1. Amen to that. I hate accumulating CDs and DVDs, but can’t break my boyfriend of the impulse.

  2. isn’t it my job to BE a rockstar??

  3. Nice post. I heartily concur, except for the part about the Kool-Aid! Just say no! Anything that effectively dyes wool does not belong in your stomach.

    Fighting my own consumerist tendencies is a constant struggle for me. Although I buy things used a lot, patronize independent businesses, and stuff like that, sometimes I get stuck in this sort of mental vortex thinking about buying things all day. And even if those things are guitar straps handmade by small indie businesses or cheap yarn on ebay that I’d use to make something myself or stuff like that, it’s a bad thing to obsess about.

  4. Col. James Braddock

    “Stop paying fifty dollars for shitty video games.” Hey come on now.. Thats our livelihood. I would hope to think we don’t make shitty video games, but.. i guess thats in the eyes of the consumer.

  5. Col. James Braddock

    “Stop paying fifty dollars for shitty video games.” Hey come on now.. Thats our livelihood. I would hope to think we don’t make shitty video games, but.. i guess thats in the eyes of the consumer.

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