Study links combat, domestic violence

I’ve been in some pretty wild discussions regarding the recent murders of military wives by their husbands at Ft. Bragg. I wish I had had this story to back up some of my statements. From UPI:

    WASHINGTON, July 29 (UPI) — As authorities continue to investigate the murders of four women at Ft. Bragg, N.C., in the space of six weeks, a recent study by Yale University suggests that in at least three of the cases combat experience in Afghanistan may have had something to do with it.

    The Yale study reviewed data collected from 2,500 men between 1992 and 1994. Of those, 7 percent had been involved in combat, most of them in Vietnam. Those 7 percent were responsible for 21 percent of the cases of spousal abuse reported in the survey. …

    Reports of military domestic violence have actually declined for the last several years, but the Pentagon fears that does not mean abuse is down.

    “We believe this reduction may be partly attributed to fears of an adverse impact on career progression and underreporting by commanders and senior noncommissioned officers,” Army Vice Chief of Staff Gen. John Keane wrote in a memo to Army officers in December.


  1. I think that the military combat may be a major factor of the violence, but I think that it must also have a lot to do with the kind of people that the military attracts. Most of the people I know who have joined the military, or plan to join the military are kinda “off” and aggresive to begin with. i think that violent messed up prick guys are just drawn to it.

  2. I COMPLETELY AGREE. It’s the same kind of people drawn to law enforcement or dentistry. ;p Sadists! (I’m only kidding about dentistry)

  3. You’re not anti-war//
    You’re not anti-war/
    You’re pro-wuss/
    No wonder you get along with
    Fair Weather Heather/
    You are a puss//
    Screw all you/
    Flowers on the head/
    Alphas runnin round/
    The top of the well//
    There’s a downward draft/
    Drummin and a cummin/
    And it’s gonna drag yawl down/
    Straight to hell//
    You’re fakes and frauds/
    Rubes and pawns/
    You’re not even goin nowhere/
    You’re already gone//
    Yeah it’s always as simple/
    As one two three/
    It’s easy to take credit/
    Look at me look at me//
    But you’re not pacifists/
    you’re pro-numb/
    At best you’re adolescent/
    At worst babies suckin thumbs//
    Whine go the sirens/
    It’s the rocks and the seas/
    Sailors take heed/
    Of no accountability//
    Ok chrissie/
    Now come on back/
    And put some spine into it/
    And not that one you built
    Out of whacked out slack////

    11:06 pm

  4. Neils, you are//
    a rude and bad, poet?//
    i think mayhap you//
    like to talk about//
    sucking thumbs too much//
    why, why why//
    penile/oral thing?//
    freudian something//
    i dont know//


  5. hahahahahahahahaha!!!!