The Whore of Babylon

When they coined the phrase, “everything is bigger in Texas”, they were talking about Dallas.

Everything here is bigger and ten times more (insert adjective) than anywhere else. Right off of the highway you’ll see Silver City, a huge “gentleman’s club”, which appears to be at least two stories tall. Further downtown you’ll see signs advertising “the world’s largest gay adult video store”, the world’s largest condom store, etc. Most of the major highways have at least ten lanes. Even the McDonald’s restaurants are enormous. Near Valley View mall, there is even one shaped like a giant happy meal. I’m not kidding.

Dallas is Babylon. It is a world of extremes existing in an uneasy cease-fire. It is a modern gold rush town complete with throngs of pious Christians and painted, fallen men and women puffy with plastic surgery. In Dallas, there are multi-million dollar mansions blocks from low-income apartments and methadone clinics, giagantic churches next door to 10,000 sqare foot liquor stores with fifty foot neon cowboys.

One day, not knowing my way around, I drove a few streets south of Uptown and got stuck behind two guys in a truck buying crack cocaine. As shiny expensive cars passed overhead on the tollway, I felt my first pangs of love for this beautiful, ugly city.

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