What a day

After work I stopped by to see G. at her new job running a Smoothie place at the gym. She hooked me up with a mango smoothie and we chatted for a bit in the afternoon sun. I stopped by the day before and saw her and Phil and they looked so cute and happy I had to come back. I actually used to have quite the boyish crush on G. in high school.


Then I walked down to Texpresso with my laptop to chat on aim for a little while I waited for Phillip to show up. He brought his laptop and we stopped at Popeye’s and then went to pick up L. at work before we went to the Howard Dean rally where we ran into Erik, Mark, and David (the future film star).


The Howard Dean rally was pretty cool although I wasn’t totally into it because I was so hot and sweaty. After the rally we went to Cafe Mundi where they were playing Ghost World and shared some beers. Mark told some really neat stories about flying an F-16 (he’s in the air force). It actually sounded pretty scary to me. It was a good day. I even saw my friend, Lin, from high school. Here’s Howard Dean below:



  1. That’s such a great picture of David!! What a cutie!

  2. Lin my old lab partner?

  3. I wonder if she has forgiven me for making her do the whole fetal pig by herself. I just couldn’t get it together.

  4. gloria said she saw you on the news.

  5. I’m so proud of your use of “bitching” right there.

  6. I hope you’re not trying to take credit for my rad use of the vocab.

  7. ‘I hope you’re not trying to take credit for my rad use of the vocab.’–you’re officially old.

  8. whazzaaap DRUUU!!! what a nice surprise to see her.

    i see what she’s talking about regarding dean’s too-perfect hair, and is that TV makeup? all the same, tools of the trade, and all. at least his eyes looks like there’s “somebody home”.